The itching came back. I had to take my sorry butt back to the doctor again this week, two days after telling my friend that I thought this time the medicine was working and I might finally be rid of this infernal itching. I woke in the morning itchy all over my legs, arms and face. I took two Benadryl and headed to the doctor who proceeded to do nothing for me. Not that it mattered because by the time I saw her the Benadryl was in full swing and I was completely lucid and non itchy at that point. I was however hoping they might perform an allergy test because I would really like to know what is causing this. They keep telling me to elliminate things from my diet which is great advice if it were something simple like strawberries or nuts, but I'm thinking it might be eggs, milk, or soy and that stuff is in everything, sometimes under names that you wouldn't think were that ingredient. They need to at least send me to a nutritionist so that I can spot the hidden milk, eggs and soy in an ingredient label. I guess I could confine myself to a diet of only rice for a few weeks, but that really sounds pathetic when I could go in and have them stick me with needles and tell me " Oh, hey, you're allergic to such and such." Just my luck I'm allergic to all three. If I had to pick I think I would choose...... well I really can't choose. Milk is in all my favorite foods, including chocolate. I just found a new love for tofu and I'm pretty sure that there are eggs in all the best foods as well. Or maybe it's none of those and if that's the case I may never figure out what it is. All I know is that I'm really itchy again today and I'm sure that I didn't eat anything with all three of those things in it yesterday. Maybe I'm allergic to myself. Or as the doctor said "I think maybe your skin doesn't like Guam." Well thank you, but can we find a different reason and a solution. Like an ALLERGY TEST! Please, I'm tired of this and I'm just waiting for the day when my reaction becomes so bad I have my life pass before my eyes as my throat swells shut and I can't breathe. I can't afford that right now. I'm a single mom for all intents and purposes for the next few weeks until my hubby returns from his deployment. I can't be sick, or ill, or run down, or even the slightest bit tired. I just can't. Why can't anyone else see the importance of me being well for at least a few weeks. Throw me a friggin' bone!
In other news, Lola lost another tooth last night. The Tooth Fairy had to frantically search for dollar to put in place of said tooth, but was fortunate enough to find one stashed away which is good because otherwise the Tooth Fairy would have had to bum said dollar off of the Easter Bunny who lives two blocks away.
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