Sunday, May 22, 2011

Summer break! Two weeks of..... nothing. Summer semester is starting on Monday and I'm excited. I'm only taking two classes, English (literature based research) and Painting 1. It'll be a quick semester (only eight weeks) and then the real summer break begins. I'm excited about the painting class. I've have paintings that I've made, but I'm wanting to learn more about color theory and how to blend so that I can have shadows and realism in my paintings (all my other paintings are of the surreal type). I'm excited about the English class too, but you can only get so excited when you know that there are essays and research papers involved. Still haven't gotten into knitting anything. I pick up something every once and awhile, but the urge really isn't there. GASP! I know. I feel hurt by the thought that I may never want to knit again and then reality hits and I laugh hysterically knowing that addictions always come back to bite you in the bum (it's my only addiction and a healthy one at that so I can't complain).
For my next summer break I want a vacation of Phineas and Ferb proportions. Building a rocket, fighting a mummy, or climbing up the Effiel Tower. Discovering something that doesn't exist, or giving a monkey a shower (yep, it had to be done). You know, THAT kind of summer. The kind I used to have as a kid. I'm looking into getting some camping gear and taking the kids out into nature and the look on their face when I tell them that they need to dig a hole before they DOO that (ha ha ha!).
Someone needs to come up with a snoring cure. BEFORE I beat my husband to a pulp in an attempt to get him to stop. Just sayin'