My skin has finally returned to semi normal...... something I had been afraid to post because if I say something it's likely to find it amusing to go haywire again. Either it's back to normal or I have just moved past caring which is a huge possibility at this point. I'm just very over it and ready to move onto things that are fun. Itching.... not fun, hence my wanting to move on. Everything else is back in order and I only have one more bill to have everything complete and back on track. Then it'll just be a matter of getting the Saab repaired and back on the road for the hubby to drive and all will be 100%. Better than because we didn't have two cars before.
I was feeling very Harry Potterish today and pulled out some old yarn that I used to make my sister a very long (VERY LONG) Gryffindor scarf two Christmases ago and decided to make a skinny Gryffindor scarf for my kids to wear to the movie. It has since been frogged and turned into a bag that is designed like the scarves from movies 3 and 4 and is big enough to hold a hardback version of any Harry Potter book. I wish I could find my camera and take pictures. Oh, God bless the day I find my camera because my blog will be so much more colorful. I would take the pics with the camera attached to the laptop, but that requires holding the laptop at weird angles and taking about a hundred pictures before getting one that's lined up right and lighted well enough to see that it's more then just a blob of fabric. I did it a few times, but tire of it very quickly. If only I had my camera...... all the sights you would see. I was out driving the other day, pining for my camera. I really don't know where it could have disappeared to. I think gnomes stole it. They would have had to because it truly did vanish into thin air. On the vanishing camera trick I have everyone from Penn and Teller to David Blaine beat! Although Penn and Teller could tell me how I did the trick and therefore reveal where my camera now lay.
Still making my Christmas list. It seems to grow as I think of more and more people that I don't want to leave out of the handmade knits circle. Alas I will have to trim the list because I do not knit that fast nor do I have that kind of time to devote. It would take me every hour of everyday and I would have to knit fast enough to set the wool on fire. I'm keeping to little projects that only take a few days and hopefully I will get done for everyone who made my first list and maybe for a few more who made my second, much longer list. We shall see.
Oh, I almost forgot...... Tuesday I went to the GPO (local mall) and they had Christmas decorations outside. At first I thought maybe I had joined the ranks of Rip Van Winkle and had slept longer then I thought because it's hard to tell here in the season of perpetual summer. Later that night I took the kids to a movie at the GPO and when we came outside it was snowing. I really thought I had lost my mind at that point. All those nights of wishful thinking since we got here had finally cracked my brain. It was like being in a dream. It was dark outside and they had lights up and you could see the snow drifting past the lights and accumulating on the ground. Then I had a second of fear where I thought maybe hell had finally frozen over and I was never going to read the last Harry Potter book because the world was about to end. Just a second though. Then I realized that it was the same "snow" they had in the mall during Christmas. It was foam...... which I must say makes a very realistic snow. It was very magical. The kids and I then went to the bookstore and tried a few things off their new menus where everything is named after something from a Harry Potter book. We had the Polyjuice Potion and Mrs Weasley's Berry Trifle. The Potion was a bit too sweet, but I can't wait to have another trifle and try the Gryffindor Latte.
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