Monday, January 28, 2008

Aerobic Sleep

Sleep eludes me once again. I laid down at seven and slept for two hours before waking (with my heart pounding) and I have yet to be able to get back to sleep. I have my test results tomorrow and I'm nervous, but not for the reasons you would think. I'm more scared that I'll go in there and they'll say that they found nothing and that there's nothing wrong. A confirmation of my insanity. I just don't like not knowing because there's nothing I can do while in the proverbial dark. I just have to wait and I'm not the waiting type. I need to do something..... busy myself..... otherwise the time drags on..... and on..... and on.....AND ON!!! My original appointment was for the 23rd, but it was rescheduled by the doctor (his wife was having a baby that week) for the 28th leaving me to wait five more days........ IN AGONY!!!!! My hubby also leaves tomorrow with the ship and will get home right before the Super Bowl.
The hubs and I hit the tennis court today and I think I've found the perfect sport for me. I've always reveled in hunting flies with the fly swatter. I specialize in smacking them down mid flight. Just like tennis. I have to work on my accuracy and power though. I kept hitting it over the fence. All of my returns were out of bounds, but in response to the accuracy, it was very windy today and kept throwing the ball off course. I had the wind to my back so that might have made my returns fly a little farther as well. I ran back and forth after the ball and spent a lot of time laughing (because I kept missing). I would have had more hustle, but I was wearing pink Crocs (which tend to slip under your feet when you start sweating) so next time I'll be sure to strap on the tennis shoes.

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