Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Needing Haze under hazy skies

I have finished my drawings for my create along and only need to knit up a gauge swatch for the lace.....as soon as I decide what kind of lace to use......and get some Kidsilk (sigh).
I did get to the next stage in my sweater venture and have begun the decreases. I did venture from the pattern as I am knitting in the round. In the original pattern the front and back are knit seperately. I also plan to knit the sleeves and the body together instead of knitting and then joining the sleeves. I hope that it works just as well. We shall see. I can't see where it can't be modified to knit in the round and not have any seams to sew. It comes along slowly though because of this. I can't wait to be able to wear it!
Today we had very hazy skies covering the island and the surf was strangely high. I thought maybe it was just a pollution things, but we are on an island and don't get the same pollution as Las Angeles. That and it was pretty darn thick. Aparantly there is a volcano to the north of here (Anahatan) that periodically messes up the air here. It seems to be thicker tonight and I wonder if it's going to be worse tomorrow. The kids weren't allowed outside because of the poor air quality. I'm sure breathing in sulfuric acid could be bad for your lungs. I found it intriguing because it's a new experience, but I'm sure if it continues it will become a severe nuisance.
The neighborhood playground was dismantled last week so there is no place for the kids to play anyway. They tore it down about two weeks ago and the boxes with the new equipment has been sitting there since then. I'm beginning to wonder if they are going to put it together or if they want us to be content with staring at it through the plastic wrapping. I'm sure if we got together the mother's of the neighborhood we could have it put together before Friday.
Oh well, until then I'll just have to keep G and W occupied with other things. By the by, because of G I will be refering to G as Lola and W as Charlie. They are on a Charlie and Lola kick and requested that I call them by those names all day today. I like it better then just typing G or W anyways so I will yeild to the demand. I think it will make it a little easier on the readers as well.
I like the cartoon as well. I like British TV in general and I miss it greatly. They have a BBC channel here and PBS, but no British comedies. It's sacreligious! And no Travel Channel either (Anthony Bourdain.......I love you!!!!!). I do like watching the Korean channel and the Chinese channel. The Korean channel has subtitles and very dramatic programing. All the pop song videos are about a guy and a girl and one or both of them dies. The other day I watched a movie where the wife was bawling like her life was over because her husband was working as a ............housekeeper (GASP!). You would have thought he told her that he was gay and a crossdresser and she being a strict Catholic unable to accept his lifestyle choice. It was interesting. While the Chinese channel has no subtitles they do have this show (game show or talk show? or both?) and it is hilarious. I can't understand a word of it, but it keeps me laughing :-D

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