Sunday, October 25, 2009

Celebrating 100 Posts!!!! Woot!

At your 100th post you're supposed to write 100 things about yourself so here goes:
1. I survived the flu and am feeling better starting today.
2. I'm pretty sure I will wind up with a flu again before the year is out since I can't get a flu shot.
3. I conveniently developed an egg allergy just in time for the swine flu season keeping me from getting said flu shot.
4. I like cartoons
5. More than my kids
6. In fact I'm watching Ni Hao Kai Lan right now at one in the morning without one kid within the vicinity.
7. I am okay with this....... most of the time.
8. I'm a night owl
9. I sleep better during the day
10. I've tried sleeping at night like normal people only to be sleepy all day and wide awake at night (this was still after a month of having a "regular" sleeping pattern).
11. When I go on trips this does not apply for some reason ( I sleep fine at night and feel fine during the day).
12. I am afraid of enclosed spaces
13. I'm equally afraid of wide open spaces
14. Apparently my spaces have to be just right
15. I love listening to The News from Lake Wobegon
16. It reminds me of stories that my grandparents tell
17. Last year my grandfather died.
18. We knew before leaving for Guam that he was going to die
19. The man living next door to my SIL looks like my grandfather
20. I cry everytime after seeing him
21. I wasn't here when my grandfather passed and couldn't go to his funeral
22. I think it's just now hitting me that I'm not going to see him when I go home to visit my family
23. Someone told me that not being there would make losing him "not as bad"
24. They were wrong...... it just delayed the realization
25. I just moved back to the states from Guam
26. We were there for three years
27. It was pretty and warm and there were no Wal-Marts or Olive Gardens
28. It takes a whole day flying to get to the east coast of the US from Guam
29. That's way longer than any human being should have to be on a plane
30. I like watching the Star Wars movies
31. I like the originals better.
32. I also like Wallace and Gromit
33. Mainly because Gromit knits
34. I'm a self taught knitter
35. I first picked up the needles when I was 12
36. I picked them back up and became addicted at the age of 23
37. I always feel like I'm forgetting to do something important and it makes me have a moment of panic
38. I have a reoccurring dream where I'm at school, but I don't know where or when my next class is or I can't remember my locker combination so I can't get my books or my schedule and so I fail school, or I'm supposed to have been working for the past few days but I forgot and now I've lost my job.
39. I hate this dream
40. I wish I knew why I have that reoccurring dream so that I could stop having it and so I could stop feeling like I'm forgetting something important all the time.
41. For the record I have never forgotten something important
42. I am a procrastinator
43. I work better under pressure at the last minute
44. I enjoy playing video games
45. I like the games where you fight melee style because I like smashing things
46. This preference crossovers to real life in the form of Filipino Martial Arts
47. I have four rattan sticks and I love hitting things with them
48. I'm not above cheating in a fight
49. I believe the only fair fight is the one you lose
50. This means that I am a biter, pincher and hair puller.
51. I poke eyeballs too
52. I will poke other balls as well.
53. I hope to never be in a fight, but I believe in being able to defend your self
54. I love to read
55. I read my first novel "Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself" by Judy Blume when I was five years old
56. At the time I thought a colored fountain was a fountain where the water came out in colors or maybe had coke instead of water (like a soda fountain) and I wished that they still had them because they sounded cool
57. I later found out (several years later in a history class) what a colored fountain really was. It wasn't cool.
58. I hate having sand grit on me. It's the most annoying thing ever.
59. I cringe everytime I hear the word "panties". It just sounds like a bad word.
60. I have an auto immune disease. It's psoriasis.
61. It burns like a second degree sunburn and itches until it makes you cry from frustration
62. My mom also has an auto immune disease. Crohn's
63. I'm the lucky one.
64. When I was a kid I never thought my mom would live to see me graduate high school
65. She did and was there when my daughter was born
66. I think she'll outlive us all
67. I always thought I would die by the age of 25
68. I'm glad I didn't
69. I hope I outlive us all.
70. I want to travel the world
71. Preferably in first class
72. My children act out movies while they watch them. When no one's around, so do I.
73. cuddling with my kids, hot cocoa, warm blankies and knitting are my favorite things
74. This may be why my favorite season is autumn
75. I enjoy reading fanfiction on the internet
76. Mostly of the mature persuasion
77. Someday I hope to write a novel
78. That doesn't suck
79. When I get hungry I actually crave vegetables
80. I think this comes from a childhood of mainly Hamburger Helper for dinner
81. I think older things have more soul then newer things (furniture, homes, etc)
82. I stopped believing in ghosts this past year
83. One would have to appear in front of me, say "I'm a ghost. Check this out." and then fly through me before I think I would believe again
84. I blame the hoakie Ghost Hunter shows for this
85. I'm not sure anymore what happens when you die
86. I hope there's another existence on the other side
87. It saddens me to think that there might not be
88. I wish a ghost would appear and clear all this mess up.
89. Nicely
90. I love Cracker Barrel
91. Sometimes I wish I could live there
92. When I was a young girl I wanted to marry Wolverine of the X-Men
93. After seeing Wolverine: Origins I realized that I still want to
94. If I won the lottery I would still buy a Kia for my car and spend less than 120,000 on a home
95. I like to think the rest would go to charity
96. In reality I would probably spend it on traveling
97. I hate when my husband snores
98. Sometimes I think of putting something like raisins up his nose to get him to stop
99. I also think of drawing on his face with a Sharpie while he sleeps
100. If he ever really pisses me off, I will.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What Could Suck More?

The flu. I think it has found me.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Psoriasis Sucks

I found that they're having a Walk for the Cure for Psoriasis here in Charlotte this coming weekend. I wish I had known sooner so that I could have signed up. Maybe I can still go up there and donate and have all my friends donate or something. I hope they do it again next year so that I can participate.
All this is made even more important to me by the fact that it seems like the Humira is starting to not be as effective. I'm finding that I'm getting some inverse spots back and my joints are screaming at me. All this may also be due to the dip in temperature (I'm crossing my fingers on this one) but I was starting to notice mroe aches and spots before we left Guam, but I shrugged it off to stress. I'm still shrugging things off to stress until I get to a doctor and he/she tells me otherwise. I'm hoping it's just the cold weather and a little hydrocortisone creme and ibuprofen will put everything back to rights. Say a prayer for me and keep your fingers crossed.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's About Confidence

I finished a baby hat today. It didn't take that long and has me wondering why the LYS hasn't received more of the little buggers. Maybe I'm just an overachiever? I'm going to make another one tomorrow out of the same yarn and then I might go buy some more yarn (gasp!) and knit a few more in cotton or a wool cotton blend. I'm wanting to try Rowan's Wool Cotton and this gives me a good excuse to buy just one skein and see how it knits up. In fact I'm looking at this as an opportunity to try several different yarns one skein at a time (Malabrigo..... I'm lookin' at you). The superwash wool that I picked up was Mission Falls and I have to say it is surprisingly soft. I'm seeing a sweater in my future. The alpaca is still sitting here as an art piece, although my son decided he wanted to knit a hat and pushed my needles through the center of pull ball and completely twisted everything up. I had to pull a few yards from the center and untangle the mess and wrap it around the outside (once I use up those yards the ball will truly be a center pull ball again). I had one moment of insanity where I considered rewinding the whole thing into a ball, but then came up with this brain saving solution.
I also found what has to be one of the best quotes of all time while looking around on other knit blogs.
"Most man chores just require the confidence to whack the crap out of something until it works."
Amen, sister.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happiness..... Thy Name is Close Knit

I found the LYS!!!!! It's called Close Knit Knittery (aka the yellow house). I walked in with a huge smile and by the time I left I was still grinning like an idiot. On Tuesday nights they have a knit night so everyone was in there knitting together around a huge rustic wooden dining table. This place is the best yarn store I have ever been in. It's a house and it has a huge front porch with a swing and rocking chairs. There were so many colors of Cascade 220 on the walls I just wanted to stare at it for hours (really someone should photograph it and put it in a museum). It had yarn crammed into every crevice and the lady at the front counter, Dawn (? I stink at remembering names and honestly the woolen fumes were making me giddy with happiness), was the sweetest lady ever. She wound my 660 yd skein of alpaca (thank God!) and I bought an extra skein of Mission Falls Superwash wool to make a baby hat with since they collect them for the local hospitals. I don't really know what I'm going to make with this load of alpaca, but for now it's screaming wrap at me. It's so soft and beautiful. It's somewhere between a fingering and a DK weight (maybe more of a fingering) and is so soft and cozy feeling. It has autumn wear in every fiber of it's being. I'm also seeing a pair of fingerless gloves in this huge skein. Right now I'm just petting it......... repeatedly. I may just keep the ball as a pet.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Settling in with Hyperventilation

Amazingly we made it here to North Carolina. It's a plane trip I will never make again unless I have First Class seats or a death wish. I spent the first few days feeling drunk from jet lag and marveling at how much my ankles can swell. Currently we are without transportation until after 6pm every evening. This doesn't help with the house and job hunting fronts. I'm also finding that the more time I spend looking for a job, the less air I am physically able to draw into my lungs before I begin to freak out and need a paper bag. I haven't worked in seven years. Scratch that..... I haven't worked a job that pays with money in seven years. Being a mom is hard work and lends you many skills that can be taken with you into the workforce. But having been out of the loop for the past seven years has left me wondering what I'm good at, what can I do, what do I like to do....... basically I'm faced with the question of WHO AM I? This question is answered by another bout of panic attacks and hyperventilation. Throw in the fact that I am now expected to be the main bread winner (self imposed expectation) and I am FREAKING OUT!!!! All this occurs internally and I keep having that dream where I'm at school and I'm supposed to be in class, but I've missed several months and I don't have a schedule to tell me where to go. I hate that dream. It's one that I have often and if I could I would kick it's ass far away after hobbling it's legs so that it could never come back.
Let us pause for a moment to breathe.................. yeah, that crap isn't working.